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Core spun yarn is generally processed by twisting together short fiber filaments such as cotton, wool, or viscose around a central filament core, made of polyester.

Core spun yarn is twisted slightly, whereas, the twists for staple yarn are tighter. Staple fibers are comparatively shorter than filament fibers and are mostly fuzzy to touch.

Spun yarn material mostly consists of short, staple fibers like cotton or wool, that are twisted together to form a single yarn. The spun yarn has a dull fuzzy look, is highly absorbing, and is prone to lint and pilling.

Eli twist spinning refers to the process of spinning Eli twist yarn, which basically denotes compact ring double yarns. This intricate process involves compact spinning and twisting of the yarn to produce a two-ply yarn mostly used for high-end shirting because of the smoothness. During the spinning process, the applied air suction reduces the hairiness and promotes better integration of the fiber leading to that smooth texture.

Eli twist yarn is a two-ply yarn, that combines compact spinning and twisting of yarns in a single operation. This yarn has superior strength, low hairiness, and a smooth surface to be used for manufacturing high industrial fabric.

S twist simply refers to the anti-clockwise direction of the wheel or spindle during the spinning of the fibers, whilst, Z twist refers to the clockwise spinning of the spindle during spinning. The process is repeated simultaneously during spinning to impart maximum strength to the yarn and improve its mechanical and surface properties.

TFO (two for one) yarn involves a 2-stage process of twisting doubled yarn. In this process, two or more yarns are twisted together to enhance the mechanical and physical properties of the yarns. Other commercial terms used for TFO yarns are doubled yarn, folded yarn,or plied yarn.

Fibers are twisted together to enhance the tensile strength and physical properties of the yarn. The higher the twist, the better the quality, elasticity, elongation, and glossiness of the yarn. The number and intensity of the twist determinethe grade and acceptability of the yarn for commercial uses.